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Information till aktieägare – uppdatering kring verksamhetens utveckling
Vi vill härmed informera våra aktieägare om de senaste framstegen i vår verksamhet: Finansiering och Projektutveckling:Tack vare två brygglån på 3,6 miljoner SEK har vi kunnat driva våra projekt vidare…

Who we are
A global greentech company, headquartered in Sweden
We want to play an important part of the global transition to a sustainable future by developing and implementing business cases that address today’s most pressing environmental challenges. We believe that through innovation, collaboration, and commitment, we can create a world where people and the planet thrive together.
Sustainability isn’t just a buzzword for us—it’s a core value that guides everything we do. We’re dedicated to making a real, measurable impact on the environment.
Our team is passionate about pushing the boundaries of what’s possible. We’re constantly exploring new ideas and technologies that can drive positive environmental change.
We believe that the best results come from working together. That’s why we build strong partnerships with businesses, governments, and communities to ensure our projects are successful and beneficial to all.
Our partners

Some key insights
Will soon be presented here…